Kamianets-Podilska Fortress

Harmonically inscribed in fabulous landscape and enclosed in the river loop, the medieval Kamianets-Podilska fortress is one of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine.

The first fortress appeared here back in the times of the Kyiv Rus, when it was a central part of the town with dirt-wall and wooden wall. In the 14th century Lithuanian Princes, who are considered to be the founders of Kamianets-Podilsky, built on its place a stone castle that became the main out-post of the Lithuanian power at Podol. Owing its location, castle became the capital of Podol land and bastion of Christianity.

This ancient fortress is considered one of the best examples of fortifications in Eastern Europe. Among the fort towers, the ones that stand out are the Black Tower, which contains a 40-meter well, and the Karmeliukova Tower, which is the tallest tower inspire with their might and majesty.

Despite uneasy history, the fortifications of the castle remained almost intact and today are the part of the National Historic and Architectural Reserve "Kamianets-Podilsky" that is included in the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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