How Euromaidan Has Affected the Life of Kyiv: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are a great number of positive aspects and drawbacks, which EuroMaidan has brought to Kyiv.


People have become friendlier and kinder

First of all it is worth noting that the city has become much kinder – the latest events united Ukrainians, awaking kindness, compassion, and hospitality that are distinctive features of our nation.

Cafes treat with tea and free Wi-Fi

The owners of Kyiv’s cafes have been inspired by revolution and go towards the citizens. Now a great number of cafes offer free food, tea and allow protesters to warm. Many hostels offer free accommodation.

Free concerts

During the days of Euromaidan many Ukrainian musicians have performed on the main stage to support and encourage protesters.

New variant of leisure

Kyiv residents have gotten a new option to spend free time. If you have nothing to do - go to the Maidan. You will have no problems to make acquaintance with someone, good companion while strolling along the Independent Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) as people are friendly and welcoming there

“Kyiv - the most popular city “

Euromaidan is on the every column of the foreign media. Finally the world has paid attention to Ukraine. Reviews on what’s going on are totally different. The majority of them is positive as Ukrainians are praised for self-organization , adventurousness and patriotism.


City property has suffered from Euromaidan

Unfortunately, Kyiv suffers considerable damage – shops were affected while using as barricades, tiles of the main square, buildings on which numerous inscriptions are made.

The monument was deposted

The monument of Lenin was deposed, which had been standing for 67 years on Shevchenko boulevard. Many citizens are indignant with that, but the majority thinks positively, considering the monument unnecessary in the city.

Traffic are blocked

Euromaidan became an inconvenience for the capital’s drivers. As the traffic on the main streets are blocked – they have to make detour, causing huge traffic jams.

Education suffers

Revolution has influenced the studying process: the central schools are empty as parents do not want to expose their children to danger. Euromaidan became a good reason for truancy among pupils and students.

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