European hotels hit the Guinness World Records

A lot of curious information for tourists appeared after the release of the new version of the Guinness World Records. First of all, updated records affected hotels , but there are other interesting facts .

The most expensive hotel room

Night in the Royal Suite Hotel President Wilson in Geneva worthes 49,513 euros. Room occupies the entire eighth floor of the former palace and offers spectacular views on Lake Geneva and the Alps. It includes six marble bathrooms , a grand piano Steinway, a terrace , and a cocktail bar for 40 guests.

The second place belongs to Villa Royal Hotel Grand Resort Lagonissi in Athens  costs 35,130 euros per night.

The worst hotel

While most of the hotels are desperate to show off their four or five stars this hotel proudly claims that it has no stars at all . Arranged in a nuclear bunker hotel Null Hotel Stern in Switzerland has no claim on anything. The hotel's website states: " The only star is you ."

The smallest hotel

The tiny one-room Hotel Central & Café in Copenhagen began to receive visitors only this summer. Despite the lack of space , there is a bathroom , a flat- screen TV, an electric kettle and a mini - bar. 2×3 meter room is decorated with picture of comedian Ronnie Barker  whose fan is  apparently the owner of the hotel . It is located above the smallest cafe in Copenhagen  which has five seats for visitors in total.

The strangest hotel

Too many hotels in this category was among the contenders to win. So, let's say about a few of them. First of them is an unusual Propellor Island Lodge in Berlin , where you can sleep in a coffin ; Crane Hotel in the Netherlands , built inside a high-rise crane ; Jumbo Hostel in Stockholm , built in real Airbus , as well as Das Park Hotel in Austria, where guests live in the decommissioned and renovated sewage pipes .

The worst hotels

Dozens of hotels claim that there are ghosts in their hotels in an attempt to lure tourists. Langham Hotel in London and Burchianti in Florence the experts acknowledged the most terrifying .

The coldest hotel

Swedish Icehotel, no doubt, is the coldest . The best way to stay here is to sleep in one of the sleeping bags. The bedroom can be very cold up to -5 degrees , but the polar bags will not allow to freeze. The most difficult is the attempt to go to the bathroom , located 90 m from the room in a sub-zero temperature.

The deepest and lowest Hotels

At 155 meters below the earth's surface in Sweden there is the lone luxury hotel Sala Silvermine. This is the deepest hotel in the world . If you take into consideration the measurement from sea level , then the winner will be the hotels line of at the Dead Sea. All of them are below the sea level on 423 m , but in contrast to the Swedish hotel they are located on Earth surface.

The dirtiest hotel

Hotel guests have to be brave enough to choose the Hans Brinker Budget Hotel in Amstedame . They warned in advance about the questionable hygiene and problems with the beds. Advertising about hotel is focused on budget travelers who like to have fun, and do not pay attention to the dirty linen and burnt with cigarettes carpets .

The safest hotel

If security is the most important thing , the Martello tower at Aldeburgh, Suffolk county in England is a right place. This hotel was built as a defense against a potential Napoleon invasions.

In addition to European hotels there were other interesting records.

Royal Armouries in the Tower of London is the oldest museum. It opened its doors to visitors in 1660.

The most heavy building is the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest. It is made from 700,000 tons of steel and bronze in a combination with 1 million cubic meters of marble , 3,500 tons of crystal and 900,000 cubic meters of wood.

In the rGuinness World Records it was fixated rather unusual touristic solutions. Two British left Covent Garden in February 17, 2011 , and drove 69,715 miles around the world , returning on  May 11, 2012 . They had a trip on one of the famous London cabs . The fare costed 93,864 euros. This record is recognized as the longest cab ride .

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