Travel to Ukraine: Top-5 reasons to choose the autumn holidays in the Carpathians

Those who indeed love to travel in Ukraine need at least once in a life to visit Ukrainian mountains in atumn. This kind of holiday will give an opportunity to see a huge variety of colors and shades, to breathe clean air and to test own strength. Top 5 Reasons to choose the atumn holidays in the Carpathians.

Low prices

Since the summer rush in this period is over, the prices on accommodation in the Carpathians areadequate . You can find options for every taste and, most importantly according to the amount in your wallet.

For example, for students who prefer budget travel, can find a room for 50 UAH per person per day , for people who are looking for a class " lux", there are cottages from 1000 UAH.


Usually everyone is convinced that the fall trip to the mountains are followed with the constant rains , strong winds, freezing nights , and sometimes even snow . But the mountains generally characterized by variable weather in any time of the yea . Sudden showers, squalls, cold night air are common things for spring and summer. However, it is more comfortable to travel with a heavy backpack when a temperature from +10 - +20 ° C.  Speaking about overnights, tents, sleeping bags, warm jackets and high-quality shoes will help to feel very comfortable and cozy.

Available train tickets

It is almost impossible to get a ticket to the train Kiev - Ivano -Frankivsk in summer. In October and November, this problem does not exist. You can even get tickets a few days before the planned trip. So, if you suddenly decide to spend the next weekend in the Carpathians, anything can prevent you from the trip but not the lack of tickets.


People go to the mountains for tranquility, peace , calmness of soul and magic. But in the middle of the holiday season, even the mountains are similar to the large hives. Everywhere you look you can find noisy tourists. However, the atmosphere is changing completely in fall. The Carpathians are changing to peace and quiet. It is a perfect place to relax your soul.

Wonderful sceneries

If you will go to the Carpathian Mountains in autumn you will see on your own the incredible, amazing, mysterious autumn scenery of the mountains. Imagine for a moment: blue sky is seen over the tops of the mountains; all the shades of autumn adorn the slopes, delighting the eye and hitting even the tempted and developed imagination.

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