Ukraine is developing new trends in leisure and travelling

Experts of tourism industry with one voice admit that the tourist attractiveness of Ukraine is developing rapidly. Since the beginning of the year Kiev has been attended by more than 600 thousand foreign tourists, and the Crimea received a millionth guest in June. Analysis of targeted visits showed that 60% of foreign tourists visit Ukraine for the purpose of leisure, 30% come on business, 10% choose eco-tourism. Today, Ukraine is focusing on the development of event to tourism to attract the tourist flow from around the world.

The situation on the domestic tourism market also showed a positive trend. The number of hotels is increased every year, giving a wide choice to the customers. And the competition encourages accommodation facilities pay more attention to quality of service.

In this regard, a new culture of leisure and travel is being formed. Thus, the number of vacationers who are paying more attention to the tour and active tours has been increased. Tourists began to share their holiday, once a year they rest in a sanatorium, the second time - at the ski resort. There is a growing popularity of mixed and recreational tours. The mixed tours are in a great demand, as they allow combining, for example, active rest at the seaside and informative sightseeing tours.

Tags: tourism

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