5 reasons to visit the degustation show rooms «Wine Expert»

A growing number of Ukrainians are interested in food and wine culture, touristic wine routes , and collecting wines. The ability to appreciate the wine has become part of a successful lifestyle.

17 degustation show rooms of a quick course «Wine Expert» III will be held in the exhibition hall «World Food Ukraine» from October 30 to November 1, 2013.

Five arguments for those who are planning to experience a crash course «Wine Expert»:

1. If you have been planned to be trained in the sommelier school, but the price and the duration embarrassed you?  «Wine Expert» is the only Ukrainian rapid course of wine tasting etiquette.

2 . You are a real gourmet and want to try the best wines, the characteristics of which will be remembered and will become an oriental for other wines!

3 . You can become a professional in the selection of wines and spirits with the program «Wine Expert». This will be possible if you will get an entry level certificate and will participate in the three show rooms with a black glass test.

4 . Degustation show room is a great opportunity to talk to a real wine expert and ask him questions.

5 . If wine is your hobby, then participation in the «Wine Expert» will bring you new wines. Also, you will get new knowledge in Enogastronomy (the art of matching wines with certain dishes) .

In addition, these three days of quick course «Wine Expert» in Kiev will definitely become a feast for gourmets and wine experts.

The participants of a quick course «Wine Expert» will get basic knowledge about the classification and types of wines, the rules of degustation, wine history, learn how to read labels and evaluate wines, learn about the basic rules of choosing wines, and how to combine food, wine and accessories.

The format of the show room activities

Degustation program will consist of 18 different show rooms, each of which will be held in express mode. In 2 hours the instructors will teach to characterize and evaluate 5 different models of domestic and foreign wines.

Wine experts of show rooms in practice will teach the 3 stages of the traditional degustation: visual, smell, and taste including auditory and haptic feelings.

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