Ukrainian Carpathians through the eyes of British traveller

British traveler in Ukraine presented his book "The Ukraine Carpathian’s: Europe’s last great wilderness." It's kind of a real guide on bicycle itineraries around the Carpathians.  At one time the authors of the book the British Alexander Stemp was so impressed by the Carpathian Mountains (which he told by friends, first of all about the mystical Transylvania) that in 2006 began their annual outing. Only for a few trips on the bike and a bit on the train he traveled all the Transcarpathians, visited the Carpathian region and Lviv.

Mr. Stemp traveled alone without knowing Ukrainian language and hope that someone in village knew English. His impressions of these journeys were developed in the book that Mr. Stemp issued in a small print shop in Cambridge, at his own expense.  The first edition in 250 books has been sold out at once not only in Britain but the USA, New Zealand as well.

While travelling Mr. Stemp lived in the cheap rural cottages. His bicycle, on which he overcame hundreds of kilometers of mountain roads, was ordinary, taken on hire. In such a way the British gardener by occupation and traveller by calling proved that to get to know the world is possible and for little money.

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