TOP-5 romantic places of Ukraine

  • Italian courtyard, Lviv

  • Park “Sofiivka”, Uman

  • Tunnel of Love,Rivne region

  • Synevyr Lake,the Carpathia

  • Marble Cave, Crimea

1. Italian courtyard in Lviv

Lviv is one of the most romantic cities of Ukraine, and the local Italian courtyard is one of the most romantic places of Lviv. This is an amazing landmark of Renaissance architecture. It is very similar to the typical courtyards of Rome and Florence. Being here, you seem to plunge in the days of romantic story of Romeo and Juliet.

2. Park “Sofiivka”in Uman

This place is considered one of the most romantic in Ukraine. The Sofiivsky Park, with its marvellous landscapes, fairytale grottoes, mirror-like ponds, and fantastic sculptures, is consistently mentioned as one of the most beautiful parks in the world, along with the famous parks of Versailles, Potsdam and Florence. The park was planned in 1796 by the Polish Count Stanisław Potocki, who decided to present this unique gift to his adoring wife Sofia.

3. Tunnel of Love in Rivne region

"Tunnel of Love" is ​​one of those places in Ukraine, which always attracts romantics. Lovers from all over the world are fond of visiting this tunnel, about a kilometer in length. Couples believe that it is necessary to make a wish in the tunnel and kiss. And if they are really in sincere love - it will surely come true.

4. Synevyr Lake

The most romantic place is Synevyr Lake, which as "hung" in the clouds, surrounded by dense spruce. There is a legend that this picturesque blue lake was filled with the tears of the count's daughter Syn, on the place where her father had killed her belover - a shepherd  Vyr.

5. Marble Cave in Crimea

Marble Cave is one of the most extraordinarily beautiful caves in the world. It is situated in Crimea on a plateau Chater-Dag at 1,000 m above the. Today it is considered as natural underground museum. Here you can see the stone waterfalls, cave pearls placer, cascades of lakes. What else loving couples can dream of?

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