Beautiful Ukraine: Buksky Canyon, the dolphin-rock and the church surrounded by water

Autumn is a time to travel! Don’t let the cold weather to stop you from resting beautifully and usefully

Ukrainians will be able to fly to Istambul at record low prices

Turkish Airlines Atlasjet started selling cheap tickets for the route Simferopol - Istanbul.

Canada became interested in medical tourism of Crimea

Crimea has all the features to receipt the residents of foreign countries as part of medical tourism.

Carpathian eco- tourism: rest with health

Rest and recreation in the Carpathian Mountains is the happy case where usefulness blends easily with pleasure!

Ukraine is among top ten countries with developed tourism

According to the World Tourism Organization, Ukraine has ranked ninth place in Europe for the number of tourists visiting our country.

Borispol will "accommodate" dozens of stars in the corridors of the terminal D

Allen Delon , Marina Vlady, Jean -Paul Belmondo , Catherine Deneuve and other world stars are immortalized in the historical exposition.

Tea, coffee, dance : how to warm up in October

Bottles of mineral water with ice are no longer relevant among Ukrainians. In such cold people are lining up for a glass of coffee or tea.

Ukrainian branding : combine incompatible

Ukrainian designers have prepared a new touristic logo of country for touristic exhibition in Berlin. If the brand will be approved by National Control of Tourism, it will become an official for Ukraine.

Tourists are not afraid of the cold Ukrainian fall

The number of tourists in September 2013 outnumber the quantity of those who rested in September 2011 (by 4.2%) and in September 2010 by (15.4%).

In November Ukrainians will travell to Europe without visa

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine hopes that November’s summit in Vilnius will bring the progress in the liberalization of the visa regime between Ukraine and the EU.