Traveling in Ukraine: Unknown But Interesting Places

The country of Eastern Europe - Ukraine, is rich in sights, and therefore attractive to tourists from all over the world. Actually, every year thousands of people come here to get acquainted with the heritage of world culture. Indeed, the country has many unique places to visit. What is only a small part of the well-known tourist sites:

- The historical center of Lviv,
- Beech forests of the Carpathians,
- St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev,
- Kiev-Pechersk Lavra,
- Chernivtsi residence of the metropolitans.

Meanwhile, all of these cultural sites are already well known to the world community. Therefore, more and more tourists are paying attention to offers to visit places that are little-known, but no less unique. In this case, Price UA provides an interesting selection of vouchers, helping tourists to solve the problem of visiting unknown Ukrainian attractions.

Unexplored sights of Ukraine

There is a significant place in the Khmelnytsky region on the territory of the Kamenets-Podilsky district. His name is Bakota. The city, which existed at the turn of the XII-XIII centuries, was already at that time the political and administrative center of the Dniester Podillia. The modern settlement is part of the Podolski Tovtry National Park. In these places, the nature of bewitching beauty, born in a unique microclimate. There are many cultural heritage sites in the city and beyond.

Cahul is the name of a flooded lake located in the Odessa region. Another little-known place by tourists, where expanses of water, surrounded by lush vegetation, stretch from the shores of Ukraine to Moldova itself. The beauty of the local landscapes can quite compete with the landscapes of the Swiss Alps. Majestic canyons, as if painted hills and plains, successfully add a natural picture. The shores of Cahul are an excellent place for mental and physical relaxation. Better, perhaps, not to find.

And next in turn is the next target - Akhtyrka. A Ukrainian city that has preserved many interesting events in its history. There is a version that the settlement got its name from Catherine II. The royal carriage drove through the streets of the town. The queen who was inside the carriage accidentally dropped the gold ring from her hands. The ring fell to the floor and slid into the hole. The queen exclaimed with a German accent: “Ah! Tyrka “. This is how the modern Ukrainian city in the Sumy region got its name.

On the territory of the Transcarpathian region, there is a village called Kolochava. Also, a little-known settlement for tourists, first of all, unique for its location - it is located in the Synevyr National Park. Kolochava is not a city, but it has ten historical museums. Among the rural sights, a rare narrow-gauge railway, along which an excursion train travels, stands out. Among the high mountains and beautiful vegetation, Kolochava’s elegant huts flaunt. The village stretches almost 40 kilometers in length.

The final touch

A brief overview, of course, does not cover all the places in Ukraine, about which tourists know little or nothing at all. Traveling along such routes is a completely new, original look at the history and sights of the country. Today, every travel lover has the opportunity to go to Ukraine to become the discoverer of the unknown.

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