IT-market in Ukraine in 2013. The perspectives of its development

Many factors (foreign investment, economic conditions, legislative policy in business and IT) will influence on IT-market’s development in Ukraine.

The analysts forecast the volume of IT-market in Ukraine at $3.6 billion cost. The most popular services in 2013 will be outsourcing, outstaffing, IT-consulting, information systems’ audit and IT processes’ optimization.

The information volume tends to increase in the world. One of the priorities of Ukrainian companies in 2013 will be safe information storages, security systems and data management. Professionals forecast the popularity of industry applications PaaS. In general, they are used in financial services, health care etc.

The structure of Ukrainian IT-market: hardware 67%, software 11% and IT services 22%. According to forecasts for 2013, hardware index will reduce and will have not more than 20% of IT-market share. The Ukrainian programmers will continue working for many foreign companies (40%). IT services will make up to 20% share of IT market. They explain it because of the willingness of enterprises to enter new control systems and automation of different business process.

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