EU has simplified the issuance of visas for Ukrainians

The European Union and Ukraine signed an additional section of the current visa facilitation agreement with Ukraine. The document extends the list of categories of people falling under the simplified procedure for obtaining visas while travelling to the EU member states.

The newly signed amendment expanded the list of categories of Ukrainian citizens who may follow simplified procedures while obtaining visas before travelling to the EU. For example, in addition to the journalists the list also included members of their teams - videographers, sound engineers, etc., reports Interfax. From now on, the journalists may present the proof of employment letters from their respective employers instead of the invitations from the host party.

The simplified visa obtaining procedure now is also available to the four new categories: members of civil society organizations, participants in international forums (seminars, exhibitions, etc.), representatives of religious communities, as well as participants of the cross-border cooperation programs within the EU programs.

In addition, the amendment covered citizens who visit their relatives - citizens of Ukraine currently residing in the EU, as well as relatives who are the EU citizens. Currently, Ukraine is at stage one of the Action Plan and the next step is for Ukrainian Parliament to approve the introduction of biometric passports for travelling abroad.



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