Nearly 200 tourists visit Ukraine every day

There is a real influx of tourists in Ukrainian capital. Only in Khreshchatyk Tourist Info center is visited by 200 foreigners every day. The guides are sure that it is caused by the positive promotion of Ukraine abroad after the football championship. The foreign tourists visit Ukraine with long list of what they what to see in the country.

Nowadays, tourists go to Ukraine from all over the world with children, friends as well as individual travellers. All tourists confess that they have decided to visit Ukraine after reading about its beauty, low prices and hospitable Ukrainians in their local media. Besides, some guests admit the appropriate climate of Ukraine. Many were advised to visit Ukraine by their familiars fan.

Among the popular places of interest are Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra, Sophia Cathedral, Pirogovo Museum and Chornobyl district. Most of the tourists live in Kyiv free. “Some days ago tourists from Frankfurt visited us. They lodged in people on their friends’ recommendation” – said Diana Dovzhenko, the worker of tourist center. The guides are sure that the influx of tourists will increased in August-September, when foreigners have a vacation time.



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