Doing Business 2013 ranking: 15 positions up

Over the last year in Ukraine significantly improved the business climate. This is evidenced by an annual ranking of the favorable business environment Doing Business-2013. This report is compiled by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation on the basis of economic analysis of 185 countries.

According to Doing Business 2013, during this year Ukraine has risen by 15 positions in the “Ease of Doing Business”. As indicated in the report, Ukraine has improved its indicators in the following categories:

  • Starting a Business (an increase of 66 positions);
  • Registering Property (an increase of 19 positions);
  • Paying Taxes (an increase of 18 positions);
  • Enforcing Contracts (an increase of 2 positions);
  • Resolving Insolvency (an increase of 1 position).


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