Travelling by bus and taxi

Traveling by bus

There is a bus station in every town and city of Ukraine. Bus stations are usually situated near railway stations in towns. Passengers can get the information in the ticket- and information-offices as well as from large timetables.

Usually fancy buses with the conveniences belong to private businesses and a ticket price is higher.

One can buy a ticket in the booking-offices at the bus station. Bus transportation system is very busy. People choose to travel by bus because it is the most convenient way of traveling.

Bus transportation is the cheapest way of traveling from Ukraine. As there are through international trips, many people are willing to go by bus; these buses are very comfortable and have all modern conveniences.

Traveling by bus from Kyiv you can get to such cities as Madrid, Managua, Amsterdam, Brussels, Vienna, Milan, Naples, Rome, Turin, Dortmund, Köln, Munster, Munich and Prague.

The trips from Lviv are to Prague, Warsaw, Krakow, Riga and Vilnius.

Buses from Odesa will take you to Naples, Turin and Karlovy Vary.


Taxi service is provided by certified companies, they have special signs and cars; they are all over a city and take people to any place they say. You can call a taxi by telephone or hail/catch it on the street. Many cabs are waiting for clients near stations, restaurants, hotel complexes and recreation areas.

To call a taxi, it is advisable to speak Ukrainian or Russian. You have to tell an operator your name, departure and destination places. In most cases they will tell you how much it will cost. The charge will depend on the company which provides service and the distance. Taxi service in Kyiv is more expensive than in the regions. Minimal charge may be UAH 25. To get to Kyiv from “Boryspil” airport may cost about UAH 200.

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