
The main pearl in the sparkling necklace of Ukraine is the mysterious beauty Odesa. Due to its unique charm, sunny climate, miles-long beaches, and azure sea, Odesa is often called a city straight out of fairytales – Southern Palmyra. In this city ridiculous atmosphere is felt everywhere, strangers sincerely smile at each other and sunny mood is maintained even in rainy weather.


Must-do things in Odesa

  • Count the steps Potemkin Stairs
  • Walk along Derybasivska Street
  • Bargain in the "Privoz" market
  • See the house with one wall
  • Visit festival of humour and laughter “Humorina”



1. "Privoz" where you can buy everything that nature has, and much more.

2. Odesa Opera and Ballet Theatre is one of the best theatres of Europe, striking the eye with its beauty and grandeur

3. Derybasivska street which became a city legend now it gives birth to a legend itself

4. Arcadia is the country of joy and happiness, place of Hedonism

5. Odessa Catacombs – a string of underground roads


Special offers


“WeekEnds” – прокат авто в выходные дни с 15% скидкой.

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